
8 Tips for a Healthy Ramadan

8 Tips for a Healthy Ramadan

Explore “Tips for a Healthy Ramadan” to maintain vitality and well-being during this sacred month of fasting and spiritual observance. Embarking on Ramadan requires careful attention to health to ensure a fulfilling experience. This article offers eight essential tips to maintain health and vitality during this sacred month. From staying hydrated and eating balanced meals to incorporating regular physical activity and managing stress, these tips provide practical guidance for maintaining well-being while observing fasting. By following these recommendations, individuals can navigate Ramadan with ease, ensuring both spiritual fulfillment and physical wellness throughout the holy month.

Why Muslims Fast During Ramadan

During Ramadan, Muslims fast so they are able to practice self-discipline, self- control and mastery over daily eating habits. Fasting allows oneā€™s body to not only detox but to become more in sync spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. 

During Ramadan, one must abstain from eating and drinking between sunrise and sunset throughout the whole month. The first meal Suhor is before sunrise, and the last meal, Iftar, takes place after Sunset. 

In this article, we will observe some of the best Ramadan fasting tips that will help you get through the month.

8 tips for a healthy Ramadan

1. Increase fiber intake for sustenance

During your fast, it is very important to keep your blood sugar levels balanced. If too many sweet treats are eaten right before your fast begins then your glucose levels will fall as quickly as they rose. You will begin to feel sluggish, light-headed and in need of a pick-me-up, in the form of another sweet treat.

The best way to deal with this dilemma is to ensure that you are eating ample amounts of fiber-rich food. Fiber acts like a stoplight in the body. If all the lights are green while driving then you tend to drive faster, the stoplights help you to maintain your speed and slow down or stop when instructed. When sugar tries to zip through the bloodstream, the presence of fiber will slow it down, which in turn balances glucose levels and allows for more sustained energy throughout the day.

2. Choose foods that Curb Sugar Cravings 

The key to offsetting sugar cravings during your fast is to eat complex carbohydrates and fiber-rich foods. (as mentioned above.) These foods stop blood sugar levels from spiking in the bloodstream and instead and allow for balanced energy levels. 

Both food types include includes figs, prunes, cinnamon, dark leafy green vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grains, and raw nuts. Sometimes your cravings can have roots in a nutritional deficiency. If you still find yourself craving sugar, talk to your doctor.

3. Take Omega 3 for Alertness

Itā€™s hard to focus on the job or at school when your stomach is growling. Omega 3 may not be able to address the noise in your stomach but it can certainly contribute to your ability to stay on task and focused when it matters most. Noo-tropics Omega 3 is rich DHA, which has been clinically proven to boost cognitive function, attention span and alertness.Ā 

4. Protein keeps you Full for Longer

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and have a plethora of functions within the body. Adequate amounts of protein intake assist in the maintenance of healthy blood, skin, bones, and muscles.

During your both sunrise and sunset meals, you want to ensure you are getting protein in your diet through meat, broccoli, lentils, soybeans and protein powders. We at Noo-tropics Vitamins, are excited to launch our innovative protein powder formula which will be available for purchase in the coming weeks.

5. Multivitamins for Nourishment 

Multivitamins are characterized by a blend of key nutrients needed by our bodies for optimal health. Noo-tropics multivitamin contains not only vitamins, but key minerals like zinc for immunity, and trace minerals like chromium for bone health. Feeding your cells the right nutrients before fasting begins can contribute to offsetting feelings of hunger throughout the day. 

6. Maintain your Energy levels

When you are exerting more energy than you are taking in, you can start experiencing fatigue and restlessness during your fast. Keeping your energy levels up is key to getting through the day and completing any tasks at hand. Noo-tropics Energy+ and Energy+ Multivitamins is the perfect blend of b vitamins and other nutrients that support cellular energy and keep you alert and focused without the caffeine.  

7. Stay Hydrated 

Going the whole day without fluids can be quite difficult for some. When we do get the opportunity to drink, we tend to take big gulps to satisfy our thirst and thatā€™s understandable. When it comes to how the bodywork and staying hydrated, big gulps can actually do more harm than good. This, in turn, can cause gas, bloating and make us feel full much quicker than we should. When we sip fluids, on the other hand, we assist in digestion and give our cells a chance to absorb and hydrate themselves. Water and natural fruit and vegetable juices are the best types of fluids as they are the most hydrating and nutrient-dense.Ā 

8. Food for the Soul 

If you are truly engaged in the right practices during Ramadan, then you begin to notice your physical hunger subside. This is because through the study of the Quran, prayer and committed devotion, you feed your spirit, become more self and God-conscious and forget about your mundane desires for food. Food is a necessity but has also become a luxury, as it is wasted, overly consumed and mistreated at times.

Fasting during this sacred month of Ramadan gives us an opportunity to give back to those who are less fortunate and remember just how blessed we are. I pray that all of you have a fulfilling, enlightening and healthy Ramadan and you experience the true benefit in supplementation during the blessed month.

Also read our blog on Micro Breaks for Mega Success

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