
The Ultimate 5-Devices-In-1 Brain Training System

The Ultimate 5-Devices-In-1 Brain Training System

Around the world, behind closed doors, professional athletes, elite military personnel, biohackers, and Fortune 100 executives go into facilities specially designed to re-train their brains to reach their full potential. Peak performers thrive under pressure. They consistently make better decisions, and reliably access the ā€œflow stateā€. Top performers live better, more satisfying lives. They have a trick up their sleeves. A powerful yet little-known technology called neurofeedback. A single session often costs as much as $1,500. A complete training package can cost up to $100,000. Plus, days spent traveling to the nearest clinic.

Why go through all this hassle?

Our dopamine-fueled modern lifestyle hijacks our brains and takes us out of control. Algorithms, apps, and products covertly control us. Our mind, our thinking, and the way we feel.

Training our brain protects our mind, re-wires our brain into an optimal state, and gives us a massive advantage.

Hereā€™s the best partā€¦

I came across a brand-new, state-of-the-art neurofeedback system that provides clinical-grade brain training. It contains the equivalent of 5 wearables all within one device. Unlimited at-home brain training for less than the price of one neurofeedback session.

Based on your goals and real-time biometrics, their concierge adapts each Program and Mission to precisely suit your needs.

I pre-ordered the Neurofeedback Headset over a year ago. Iā€™ve finally gotten the chance to test it thoroughly. This is my honest review of the Brain Training System, the science behind it, and my personal experience dozens of sessions later.

By the end, youā€™ll know how this stacks up to the alternatives and whether itā€™s right for you.

Neurofeedback Explained Simply

The Ultimate 5-Devices-In-1 Brain Training System

Neurofeedback is a form of brain training that improves our brainwave activity. In reaction to our thoughts and lifestyle changes, the brain fires different electrical impulses. Resulting in the states weā€™re all familiar with (deep sleep, focus, creativity, stress, relaxation, etc). Neurofeedback trains your mind to enter and sustain desirable states on command.

Using special sensors, neurofeedback systems quantify your brainwaves. When your brain enters beneficial states, the tech uses an external cue (visual or auditory) to reward the change. When you slip back into unfavorable brainwaves, the cue disappears. With practice, you learn to control your brainwaves and thus how you feel and perform. Making it easy to feel:

  • Focused
  • Relaxed
  • Sharp
  • Rejuvenated
  • Calm

Using this technology, you can teach yourself how to enter and maintain the peak performance gamma brainwave state. The same coveted ā€œflow stateā€ accessed by geniuses, lifelong zen masters, professional athletes, and other high-performers.

You control your state. Feeling what you want, when you want.

The key differentiator responsible for the success of the worldā€™s elite is their brain health and function, two factors anyone can improve with the right tools

To learn more, check out my posts on the science and benefits of neurofeedback, as well as my favorite brain training systems.

Iā€™ve used several different neurofeedback systems. does everything they do, and a whole lot more.

What is

The Ultimate 5-Devices-In-1 Brain Training System is the company behind the latest and most advanced neurofeedback device. Frustrated by the lack of quality products available to consumers, and the typical inconvenient hurdles required by the technology, CEO Paola & team set out to design the worldā€™s best at-home brain training platform. The team includes some of the most decorated neuroscientists and neurofeedback experts.

Unlike other devices, this flagship product contains several breakthrough technologies:

  • Custom Engineered Headset: Built with quality materials, this comfortable one-size-fits-all is packed with cutting-edge electronics and state-of-the-art software
  • Proprietary Neuro Sensors: Three custom EEG sensors within the headset accurately measure beta, alpha, theta, and a wide range of gamma brainwaves. Without requiring you to apply the messy paste to your hair
  • Functional Brain Testing: Their GeniusPulseā„¢ uses a game to quantify your brainā€™s current performance. Showing your long-term progress

But itā€™s so much more than neurofeedback. features five brain training technologies all in one:

  • Medical-grade neurofeedback
  • Powerful light stimulation (transcranial photobiomodulation)
  • Heart coherence (HRV) biofeedback
  • Brain function assessment
  • Advanced meditation training

Best of all, the app gamifies sessions. Making them actually fun, and following an optional storyline.

Unlike meditation, thereā€™s no struggle to quiet your mind. No feeling like youā€™re laboring or doing mental chores.

Whether youā€™re looking for mental clarity, intense focus, deep relaxation, cognitive resilience, or to replace questionable therapeutics youā€™re currently using, this is the true holistic brain training platform.

Potential Benefits & Use Cases is currently designing clinical trials to prove the efficacy of this specific system. However, the fundamental technologies within the headset include well-studied modalities like neurofeedback, light stimulation (transcranial photobiomodulation), and heart rate variability (HRV) training.

At its core, this technology grants us control over our mental state. Our mind forms our identity, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

Thus, by choosing our desired brain state, we gain control over every facet of our holistic health and performance.

So the applications use, and therapeutic potential of is nearly limitless.

Users of advanced neurofeedback modalities report wide-ranging effects. Some of which Iā€™ve listed below. brain training can improve:

  • Sleep
  • Stress
  • Focus & concentration
  • Relaxation
  • Clarity
  • Memory
  • Learning
  • Introspection

These are the general benefits.

And itā€™s quickly becoming popular for countless specific use cases.

People use brain training to enhance:

  • Gaming
  • e-Sports
  • Sports
  • Programming
  • Military excellence
  • Easing addictions
  • Socialization
  • Public speaking
  • Acting
  • Singing & performing
  • Post-brain injury (concussion/TBI)
  • Writing
  • Meditation
  • Art
  • Teaching
  • Studying

Basically, any occupation or activity that involves the mind (including coordination).

In fact, Iā€™ve talked to a number of people that used brain training to slowly ween off of medications. Of course, always talk to your doctor first before making any changes to your lifestyle or medication regimen.

Nevertheless, the versatility and power of brain training are astounding.

Clinically-proven neurofeedback should be part of the school curriculum and the benefits package of every workplace.

For a thorough list, check out the post I wrote on the science and benefits of neurofeedback brain training.

Best of all, is much more than neurofeedback.

How Works is a full suite of brain-enhancing tools, comprised of both hardware and software.

It has a bit of a learning curve but becomes simple after several sessions.

The headset is the primary hardware youā€™ll use, and the ā€œbrainsā€ of the system. Itā€™s required for every use. The Genius Controller is only used occasionally (in tandem with the headset) to quantify and assess your brain functioning.


After charging both the headset and GeniusPulse (which took me about 30 minutes), the first step is to download the app and follow the on-screen instructions. Itā€™ll have you pair the headset via BlueTooth twice. Once for the sensors, and once for the audio.

Then you wet the sensors with a few drops of water using the provided tube.

From there, youā€™re ready to open the app.


The developers did a great job thinking through the app. Both the UI, the AI-powered assistant, and the storyline that runs through each session.

I found this software to be self-explanatory, elegant, and fun to use. You donā€™t need to understand brainwave science to reap the benefits. You have the option to either follow the mission story arch or skip it and go straight into training.

The main tabs within the app include:

  • Mission
  • Train
  • Assess
  • Boost

The latter three are different modes. More on each of them shortly.


Before every session, a popup prompts you to share your current state. You adjust sliders for your levels of calm, focus, energy, and happiness. It takes me about ten seconds to answer.

Finally, you wear the headset and push on the earpads to perfectly contour it to your scalp. Make sure all three sensors touch your head. Itā€™ll require you to sit still to get a high-fidelity signal lock. Ensuring you get accurate biofeedback (and thus the best results).

From opening the app to getting my session takes between 20 seconds to about two minutes, depending on my environment. Non-native electromagnetic fields can interfere with sensitive sensors. If you have issues getting a signal lock, try moving to a different area.

You repeat this process for every session.

If youā€™re using the GeniusPulse brain assessment tool, youā€™ll also plug the provided cord into the headsetā€™s 3.5mm jack. After clicking through a few screens, youā€™re ready.


The sessions themselves vary based on the type and chosen duration.

You can select between heart rate coherence (HRV biofeedback) training, or classic neurofeedback. Some programs are designed for use with eyes closed, while others use visual cues too.

Throughout the sessions, you must remain sitting upright and fairly stationary for the sensors to accurately read and adjust the program to your brainwaves. If you move too much, the program pauses until you regain a high-quality signal.

At the end of your session, youā€™ll get a prompt asking you to check in and adjust several sliders to rate your new mental state.

All the while, helped you train and recorded your biometrics in the background. After training, you then see these stats and can compare them over time.

The Three Core Modes is the first holistic brain training kit Iā€™ve discovered. Although they also offer heart rate variability coherence training, itā€™s centered around brainwave biofeedback.

The three modes include:

  • Assess
  • Train
  • Boost

Each of these modes is traditionally one separate device. Sometimes, as with the Train mode, multiple separate systems.

Assess (GeniusPulse)

Assess uses the GeniusPulse add-on to quantify your brainā€™s current performance. While you play a simple game, it measures a suite of brain biomarkers.

This is huge. If they even track it, most systems only report a few metrics regarding your neurofeedback session. You can compare sessions, but what does that ultimately do?

GeniusPulse translates your progress into demonstrable improvements to the cognitive biomarkers that actually matter, such as:

  • Speed of thinking
  • Working memory
  • Reaction time
  • Accuracy
  • Error correction
  • Impulse control

And more.

Behind the scenes, they use mathematical measurements called Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) to measure the brainā€™s performance. Faster speeds equate to greater power. Clinicians use this same technology in their peer-reviewed research.

The game itself takes 15 minutes. And, honestly, itā€™s not the most fun. Basically, shapes flash onto the screen and you identify them as fast as possible.

The difficulty varies, and after about 10 minutes I feel like Iā€™ve entered a trance state.

I recommend using Assess before your first session and after every two weeks or so of training. You should start seeing significant changes after about 10 brain training sessions.

If youā€™re not accustomed to brain training, you may want to take a break between assessment and training.

Train (improve)

Train is the bread and butter of the system. This is where measures your real-time biomarkers (brainwaves or heart coherence), and gives you real-time cues to rewire your brain.

The two main technologies behind train include:

  • HRV biofeedback
  • Neurofeedback

Unlike most other HRV biofeedback devices available, finds your resonant frequency breath rate. This is the optimal inhalation and exhalation cadence that, when followed, re-balances your unique nervous system.

HRV training is foundational and easier to control and improve than neurofeedback. Thus, itā€™s the first program available to new users. Only once youā€™ve completed a Heart Coherence session do you unlock their clinically-developed neurofeedback.

There are different neurofeedback training programs, to train specific brain states (and brainwaves). Everyone starts training with Calm, but then you can move on to Focus or others.

Boost (stimulate)

The mind is sensitive to external forces. Whether via light or sound, it will match the frequency of the applied force.

Neurofeedback provides long-last and long-term benefits. The effects take multiple sessions to build up. Even more to notice.

Boost does exactly what its name implies: it enhances brain function. It provides special light energy to the brain via transcranial photobiomodulation (tPBM).

Within about 10-minutes, boost elevates:

  • Brain function
  • Concentration
  • Mood

This light stimulates your mitochondrial function within brain cells, improving cellular oxygenation and energy production.

Throughout the session, it adapts its intensity and output based on your brainwave patterns. Ensuring you enter an ideal state every time.

With neurostimulation, more is not better. Optimal is better.

Thatā€™s what sets it apartā€¦


Boost uses near-infrared light to stimulate specific locations on the brain at your optimal frequency. Using your personalized frequency and power level elicits your ideal state change. Without side effects.

The app contains several different Boost modes:

  • Snooze (Transcendium): Relax & prep for bed
  • Chill (Resilium): Calm and clear relaxation thatā€™s great for unwinding
  • Prepare (Resilium): Prime for relaxed productivity
  • Expand (Cognizium): Uplifting boost for peak performance

I use Expand to induce apex states instantaneously. Itā€™s a great pre-event. Whether sports, public speaking, work, etc.

My Experience With Brain Training

The Ultimate 5-Devices-In-1 Brain Training System

Since receiving my full kit months ago, the entire process has impressed me. Enough that I bring it with me traveling.

From the sleek, apple-like unboxing, to the easy-to-navigate app, to the measurable improvements Iā€™ve gained through training.

You can easily customize session details. Such as the total duration, the background soundtrack, or the chimes.

You can chain together different forms of training into one session. I often do HRV biofeedback and then immediately launch into a Focus neurofeedback session.

And I expect their software to only improve as we provide feedback.


The app follows an engaging storyline that involves mining for rare minerals to heal your imaginary planet.

Each brain state corresponds to a different mineral.

Every time you complete a training session, your stores of a particular mineral increase. This ensures that you donā€™t skip the fundamentals and instead balance and optimize your training.

The general training regiment consists of eight weeks of a guided training program.

You can choose to follow it (and level up your character) or choose your own adventure.

At the end of each chapter, the storyline progresses, and your current objectives change. They recommend logging a GeniusPulse brain function assessment before and after the mission to show your improvements.

After eight weeks of establishing a healthy neurofeedback foundation, you unlock missions that cater to specific goals:

  • Peak Performance
  • Ultimate Resilience
  • Calm You
  • Sustainable Performance
  • Sleep Nirvana
  • Sharp Mind
  • Clear Mind

After mastering these, you then can access the next level of missions.

Sens.aiā€™s advanced missions include:

  • Brain Upgrade
  • Expanded Awareness
  • Attention Mastery
  • Freedom Now
  • Monkā€™s Mind
  • Deep Creativity
  • Ultimate Performance
  • Still Mind
  • True Nature
  • Deep Dive

Iā€™ve found it fun and engaging. Currently, I am working on the Peak Performance (a Gamma brainwave dominant mode), which they compare to the effects of a shot of coffee.

Although itā€™s not perfectly clear which trainings count towards the current mission, and which do not.


Whether you target relaxation, focus, sleep, or performance, each state generally corresponds to a particular brainwave pattern.

Most neurofeedback systems train just one brainwave. Usually Alpha, but sometimes Theta too.

Very few do multiple.

Instead of exclusively training specific brainwave frequency bands, this platform focuses on functional outcomes.

With, you build a fountain of resiliency via training Alpha and Beta brainwaves, along with HRV. Eventually, you layer on Gamma and Theta training on top. Resulting in unique and functional brainwave combinations.

Every program throughout the app displays which minerals youā€™re gathering from training. For the science-minded, you can interpret the minerals as brainwaves.

Minerals correspond to Sens.aiā€™s brainwave target frequency bands (from fastest to slowest:

  • Cognizium: Gamma/Beta
  • Resilium: Alpha
  • Transcendium: Theta

As you progress through the missions, you learn to synchronize alpha, gamma, and theta simultaneously. Bringing you into what they call the ā€œultimate integrated brain stateā€.

Unlike neurofeedback which trains narrow bands of specific brainwaves, the Sensai adaptive system trains you to accomplish real-world outcomes.


Iā€™ve mostly used Calm Heart (HRV), Calm, Focus, and Intense Focus. To socialize or prepare for sleep, I sometimes use Deep Calm instead.

Calm Heart is a form of HRV biofeedback training. The pulse oximeter on the headsetā€™s earcup quantifies heart rate variability in real-time. Iā€™ve done this form of training with other devices.

I find that Calm Heart easily and quickly shifts my state. In fact, Iā€™d say itā€™s the most time-efficient stress relieving, and resilience-building biohack Iā€™ve encountered. After just seven minutes (the shortest duration available), I feel an unshakeable calmness. Nothing can throw me off my game.


So far, Iā€™ve found the Calm sessions more difficult. My first nine sessions or so yielded embarrassingly low scores. Around session ten, something shifted. I can now more reliably enter this relaxed state. By the time the session ends, I feel noticeably different. More grounded and centered. I feel levelheaded and ready to approach my work. Better resourced to show up as my best self in my relationships too.

Calm has become my bread and butter. Most days, I like to stack a Calm neurofeedback session with 7 minutes of Calm Heart first as a ā€œprimerā€. The results of this combo rival some of the most potent anxiolytic substances Iā€™ve tried.

Deep Calm

The description compares this Mode to the effects of wineā€”serene and tranquilizing. I generally donā€™t like to use any technology late at night. So I donā€™t use this mode as often as the others. Compared to calm, I have an easier time scoring high, and I find the post-training effects quite powerful. At the end of the session, I felt completely open and ready to sleep.

It provided the social lubricating effects of alcohol, along with the drowsiness. According to my Oura ring wearable, this also improves both my sleep quality and quantity scores. Deep Calm works great to help combat jet lag too.


To my surprise, I had zero trouble with Focus mode. The first time I did it, I already got into a hot streak. I found my ability here much more satisfying (but probably less needed). I didnā€™t notice much difference between Focus and Intense Focus. After each, I felt alert and ready to go.


I own several brain-boosting technologies.


A tACS device that applies micro-currents of electricity to the head.

Neuroacoustic software like (read my review) and NuCalm (my review) entrain specific brain frequencies. And a bunch of others.

Aside from the audio, I donā€™t use most devices. They simply donā€™t customize the treatment to my neurochemistry.

I often tack on a Boost after my main training session. I mostly use Expand to enter a gamma brainwave dominant state and to get my best work done.

Again, like the other modes, Sensai customizes the neurostim to match exactly what you brain needs.

For example, my last Expand Boost session used a 41.0Hz Personalized Boost Frequency. This is a measure of the number of light flashes per second that my brain resonated best with (in the gamma band).

Afterward, I felt a similar mental buzzing to drinking about a half cup of coffee. Only cleaner and more translatable into my work.

Expand usually lasts me around four hours. But it doesnā€™t have the same crash of caffeine either.

I can use this Boost until about 7 PM, and if I do Expand any later, it will noticeably interfere with my 10 PM sleep time.

I donā€™t use the others very often, but I plan on experimenting more with the Prepare Boost too.

Honest Review of The Brain Optimization Platform

The Ultimate 5-Devices-In-1 Brain Training System

Although it hasnā€™t been perfect. I havenā€™t seen any other honest reviews, so I wanted to share my full experience so far.

Everything I love about the platform, and the areas I hope they improve. Review: The Pros

A number of things stood out to me, which is why I pre-ordered and paid for the system nearly 15 months before receiving it.


There are lots of great neurofeedback systems available. Yet none combine five different modalities into one. I couldnā€™t even find another that combined three. The convenience and integration of everything into one were among the top reasons I choose over the alternatives.


Data lovers will adore this tool. I can see how my brain performance stats change after each session, and compare it to my historical trends. I can use the GeniusPulse at any time to quantify how other health modalities, nootropics, and supplements impact a thorough suite of brain function biomarkers. Or even as a baseline benchmark in case, I sustain a brain injury in the future.


Another key differentiator between and the alternatives comes down to the quality of the signal (signal fidelity). Few consumer systems measure with the same degree of precision. When measuring something as intricate as brainwaves, the signal quality makes all the difference. In fact, if electrosmog in your current location interferes with the signal, this system prompts you to physically move elsewhere before training. Better signal, better outcomes.


Neurofeedback requires extremely precise signal sensing to accurately gauge brainwaves. Virtually every other EEG-based system requires the user to lather gel into the hair before every single session. This makes daily or semi-daily neurofeedback a major pain, especially for those with long hair.


The future of health is gamified. This means borrowing the same model as other addictive technologies (say, social media). The best way to establish a new habit is to make it fun and rewarding. This system makes brain training fun and exciting. I know a ton of people with brain sensors and neurofeedback systems. Most stop using them because it starts to feel like a chore. Not


I find the build quality and thought that went into the hardware design impressive. The headset itself is comfortable and one size fits all. Yet itā€™s also loaded with state-of-the-art sensors and technologies. And all things considered, it doesnā€™t look atrocious.


The development team did a great job with the app layout. From making brain training accessible to audiences of any background to thinking through the ideal progression of missions. Each training is paired with soothing soundscapes, and in some cases, visuals. All of the instructions are very clear, concise, and easy to understand.


Right now, offers 12+ different programs. You can follow an eight-week progression that takes you through 16 missions. Itā€™s a brand-new device and company, so I imagine theyā€™ll add more over time too.


When using my headset for about 30 minutes per day, I get a full week of usage before I must recharge the battery. Convenient for traveling. The unit recharges within about an hour too. Although for some reason, it doesnā€™t let me start missions when I dip under 27% battery.


The price is certainly high (in the cons below too), but what you get is unparalleled. No other brain training system offers as much for the price. Compared to in-clinic neurofeedback, pays for itself in just a session or two. Review: The Cons

This is a brand-new device, and I own one of the first available to consumers.

As expected, has some kinks to work out. At the same time, some of these criticisms are limitation of the neurofeedback technology itself rather than their platform.


Thereā€™s no avoiding it, this device costs north of $1,000. Almost a dealbreaker for me. I also may have missed or forgotten about this. disclaimer. After the first year, youā€™ll need a membership to access your data. I believe itā€™s around $240. $20 per month isnā€™t insane, and likely funds future developments, but it still adds up.

Sensor wetting

Every EEG-based neurofeedback system requires conductivity. As do most electricity-based medical devices. While itā€™s an amazing improvement that this one doesnā€™t require applying gel to the hair before every session, users do need to wet the sensors (with water). The process takes about 30 seconds.

Signal lock

I immediately noticed that getting an accurate signal lock can take some time and patience. You canā€™t sit too close to any large electrical devices, sit outside in any wind, or move too much. If you do, will take forever to acquire a signal and easily disconnect.


If you have long hair, it takes longer to connect. You can make it faster by manually clearing some hair around the sensors so they directly contact the scalp. Youā€™ll also need to sit up straight and not move much throughout the session. If you move too much, the program will pause until you regain a clear signal.

Internet required

I wanted to do a few neurofeedback sessions while I was on the road traveling. I quickly discovered that the app requires the internet to function. This is strange because the first time I do a program I see a progress bar mentioning that itā€™s ā€œdownloading assetsā€. So it should be available offline, and I imagine theyā€™ll fix this soon.


As much as I love this technology, they clearly designed it for individual usage. If you plan on sharing with others, they must get their own membership. If they use your account, their data will merge with your own and render the data meaningless.

Mission progress

According to their CEO, Paola, each user progresses dynamically through missions. Since there was no preset mission sequence, I found it difficult to know if everything was working right. Iā€™d like more information about my current mission and the motivation of knowing what Iā€™ll unlock in the next mission.

Meeting deadlines

I pre-ordered with the expectation that, according to their roadmap, my unit would arrive within 2 quarters. They publicly announced a Q3 2022 launch. When was affected by the global parts shortages, we backers didnā€™t receive timely information regarding the status of our orders. The arrival date kept getting pushed and pushed at the last minute. Then again, this is a brand new company and theyā€™ve now ironed out both inventory and manufacturing process. Since youā€™re reading this now, you shouldnā€™t face any of these issues.

To me, the pros of dramatically outweigh the cons. Anyway, most of the cons Iā€™m listing should be easy fixes or even are already no longer issues. Pricing

Neurofeedback is an expensive technology. It requires incredibly sensitive sensors and a means of providing feedback cues.

Then thereā€™s the issue of conveying that data to the general public. To actually understand your session. All of this requires tremendous R&D, and then the cost of state-of-the-art parts plus labor. brain training headsets cost $1,395 (or $1,195 when pre-ordered right now).

The first year of use is complimentary. After that, thereā€™s an optional $240 per year membership fee to access your data. The device still functions without membership though.

Although it sucks to pay a subscription on top of a ~$1,200 system, when you do the math it still comes out quite cost-effective.

Unlimited use of the entire kit plus three years of premium membership still costs less than one or two in-clinic neurofeedback sessions.

And you donā€™t have any of the time, transportation, opportunity cost, or other hassles of clearing your schedule for professional neurofeedback.

Plus, this one system renders four other wearables I own obsolete. Headset Alternatives

I havenā€™t found any other devices that are direct competitors. Everything else lacks multiple features/programs/modes. sets itself apart from these other neurofeedback devices via:

  1. Comprehensive System: is a 5-in-1 Brain Training System that encompasses multiple cognitive enhancement techniques in one platform. Long-term results via neurofeedback, immediate results via neuro-light therapy and heart coherence training, and quantification technology to prove the benefits. Traditional neurofeedback devices focus on a single aspect of brain training. This is a comprehensive solution.
  2. Customizability: allows precise personalization of training programs to address specific needs and goals. Then, it uses your real-time data to customize other modes (like stimulation) to your particular needs.
  3. Accessibility: is portable, easy to use, and convenient. There are no wires, gels, or complicated parts. All you need is the internet and a few drops of water. Virtually any age and skill level can use the system. Making regular brain training a low-friction habit to adopt.
  4. User Experience: creates a user-friendly experience. The platform uses gamification to make brain training addictive. The intuitive app interfaces, progress tracking, detailed session biometrics, and the plethora of training options keep the process engaging.
  5. Holistic Approach: By combining cognitive enhancement, memory improvement, focus enhancement, relaxation, and stress reduction techniques, holistically trains the brain. Offering a more well-rounded solution compared to virtually every other device that targets only one area or brainwave pattern.

But you may want something more affordable that only does one of the five modalities.

Those on a budget can start brain training with these alternatives:

  • Cheap neurofeedback: Muse
  • Brain photobiomodulation: Braintap
  • HRV biofeedback: Hanu Health

But if you add these technologies together, you get more devices, more expensive memberships, siloed data, and a much larger total price.

How to Amplify Your Brain Training Results

Every respected neuroscientist agrees on the value of core health practices for cognitive function.

To improve your brain, you should work on your:

  • Sleep
  • Nutrition
  • Hydration
  • Movement
  • Stress management

These are the basic fundamentals.

I also recommend engaging in some new, novel activities or situations. All of this works synergistically with brain training.

For the advanced, I like to add in some high-quality nootropics. Like:

  • Nootopia
  • Qualia Mind
  • Thesis

Or even neuropeptides like Dihexa and Cerebrolysin.

The right products combined with neurofeedback can help the brain rewire, grow, and form new connections. Resulting in faster and stronger benefits.

Brain Training Protocol

So how am I personally using this to get the best results, fast?

Hereā€™s my current brain training protocol:

  • 1 x 15-20 minute Calm session first thing in the morning
  • DIY Morning Hydration Elixir
  • 1 x Nootopia nootropics blend
  • 1 ampoule of cerebrolysin
  • Biohacked resistance training session (KAATSU, Katalyst, or free weights)
  • Engaging in challenging work
  • Eating a high-fat, high-protein lunch
  • Optional: exogenous ketone shot
  • 1 x 10-minute Boost session after lunch before returning to work
  • Eating a tiny amount of complex carbohydrates to re-fuel my brain
  • Engaging in challenging work

I repeat this Monday through Friday and take the weekends off. After a few weeks, I will drop the cerebrolysin and continue.

Supercharging Your Brain With Brain Training

The Ultimate 5-Devices-In-1 Brain Training System

Your mind largely determines the rest of your reality.

Your identity, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, feelings, and actions all stem from your brain.

Yet humans havenā€™t had the tools to monitor and troubleshoot the inevitable brain inefficiencies or glitches that accumulate from living.

Especially in a dopamine-driven, technology-first world, specifically engineered to take control of your mind.

Brain training is an antidote to this global and growing issue.

By using sensors to monitor brainwaves, weā€™re able to give the brain gentle cues to help it improve its ability to self-regulate. With practice, it learns to enter and maintain ideal states.

Your mind becomes more resilient, and you take control of the lead domino dictating your is like a mirror for your mind, helping you address areas that need the most work Click To Tweet

You learn to:

  • Easily focus for hours without distraction
  • Sleep deeper, faster, and more efficiently
  • Stay relaxed and smooth in high-stakes situations
  • Live in your unique ā€œzone of geniusā€, a state that takes most people 10,000+ hours to reach
  • Control the ā€œuncontrollableā€ states of mind
  • Physically and mentally dominate
  • Sustain your high-performance

Until recently, you had two choices to achieve this.

Affordable yet weak at-home systems that donā€™t do much. Or a complete professional neurofeedback package often costing north of $100,000. Even more to add the other modalities too.

Iā€™ve tried a number of neurotech apps, devices, and systems, and this is the best Iā€™ve encountered. It certainly has its flaws (mentioned above), but is leagues ahead of everything else.

In fact, this all-in-one system has features usually contained within five separate wearables.

Neurofeedback Devices

Other neurofeedback devices train narrow ranges of brainwave frequencies. Sensaiā€™s adaptive system targets real-world outcomes.

You can use the included GeniusPulse Assess module to track both your brainā€™s objective improvements (like thinking speed, working memory, reaction time, accuracy, and impulse control) and subjective improvements (energy, mood, and focus).

Based on your results and current real-time biometrics, Sens.aiā€™s personalization concierge adapts your session to fulfill exactly what your brain needs.

The system isnā€™t perfect, but itā€™s a solid at-home brain training system thatā€™s built to last. And itā€™s many years ahead of anything else Iā€™ve discovered.

After pre-ordering, I waited nearly 15 months for them to release the first batch of units. Well worth the wait. While units in the next batch are still available, you can pre-order one for yourself and save up to $200. Just click the link below now.

If youā€™ve used, let me know your experience in the comment below! I personally read every single one.

Is the ultimate 5-in-1 brain training headset? We’ve thoroughly tested and reviewed this system to help you decide if it’s worth the price.

Editor’s Rating:


  • Features of 5 wearables in 1
  • Gamifies neurofeedback
  • Excellent build quality
  • Powerful and simple app
  • Through data & quantification


  • Expensive
  • Sensors require wetting prior to each use
  • Delicate signal finding process
  • Requires internet
  • Difficult to share
  • Slow customer support

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